Sekumpul Waterfall is one of the recreational areas that has a beautiful natural charm. Located in Buleleng Regency, Sekumpul Waterfall is a favorite of tourists who like nature tourism.
Not only white sandy beaches, it turns out that on the island of Bali there are other tourist attractions that are an option. One of them is a waterfall. Actually in Buleleng Regency there are several waterfalls. Such as Yeh Mampeh Waterfall, Gitgit Waterfall, Lemukih Waterfall and Sekumpul Waterfall.
To get to the location of the waterfall, you should bring a private vehicle so that it can be easier to move from one place to another. Bali car rental Gotravela is ready to serve you with attractive prices and professional service.
Sekumpul Waterfall Attractions
Being in the mountains with beautiful nuances, fresh air and the gurgling of an amazing waterfall makes anyone feel at home.
Not a few tourists are willing to explore the path in the forest in order to get to the location of this waterfall.
Waterfall is located in a quite hidden place. Behind the thick trees in the forest, you need extra effort to get to the Sekumpul Waterfall tourist attraction.
Did you know that there are 7 waterfalls that you can see from a distance. 2 Sekumpul Waterfalls, 3 Fiji Waterfalls, and 2 unnamed waterfalls.
Foreign tourists often refer to the waterfall as the Seven Point Waterfall. The surrounding environment is really still beautiful and natural.
Sustainability is really well maintained. The beauty of the waterfall with a natural panorama is a perfect sight.
Travel to Location
Once in the parking lot, visitors must pass 350 steps to reach the location. Then, along the way, you will see many clove trees. This group waterfall trip will take at least 20 to 30 minutes.
If you feel tired while traveling down the stairs, take a break. There is a gazebo that was deliberately built by residents for tired tourists.
Taking a short break can restore your energy so you can be excited again to continue the journey.
When descending the last step, you have to be careful. Because, the steps are very slippery so you can be prone to slipping there.
But as soon as you see in front of your eyes a beautiful waterfall, the tiredness just disappears for a moment. All because of feeling satisfied by the charm of the beauty of Sekumpul Waterfall that can be enjoyed.
There are two streams of waterfalls here. One stream comes from the Sekumpul Village River spring. While the other is a stream from a spring that is above the hills of Sekumpul Village.
If it rains, the color of the waterfall will be different. The flow that comes from the river is murky brown. While the color of the waterfall whose springs come from the hills remains clear.
Tips Towards a Gathering of Waterfalls
Make sure you have good stamina. Because, you will go through the path on foot. The road is quite steep, there are several stairs, and winding.
During the trip, you will see many trees that thrive. There are rambutan trees, durian trees, and other trees.
Next, there is a view of the rice fields terracing and green hills. If you have arrived at this place, soon you will arrive at the location of the sekumpul waterfall.
If you want to go to the waterfall pool, you have to cross a river that is not too deep.
Waterfall Location
Sekumpul Waterfall is located in Sekumpul Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency, Bali. The distance is about 76 from Denpasar City. Then, the distance is about 20 km from Singaraja City.
How do you travel friends, are you interested in going on vacation to the Sekumpul Waterfalls natural tour? For those of you who like a challenge, let's try to come here!