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Belgica Fort Banda Neira

Belgica Fort Banda Neira

Have you heard of Fort Belgica from Banda Neira Maluku? For those of you who like to spend vacation time by visiting some historical places, of course you are already familiar with these places, right? Belgica Fort in Banda Neira is a historical relic during the VOC era.

Belgica Fortress
Photo by Widya

History of Fort Belgica in Banda Neira

During the colonial period, Maluku, which was located in the eastern Indonesia It is famous for its worldwide nutmeg. Even at that time the invaders considered nutmeg as black gold. That's why they founded Fort Belgica in connection with the existence of a trade monopoly on the nutmeg.

Fort Belgica is included as a silent witness to the resistance of the Indonesian people against the invaders. If you see at a glance there is nothing unique about this one fort. But it will be different when you look at it from above, because it looks like a pentagon.

Belgica Fortress View

Fort Belgica is famous for being similar to the strongest military headquarters from America, the Pentagon Building. There are several things that distinguish the Belgica Fort, Banda Neira, Maluku and the building. As well as the existence of 5 viewing towers from every corner of the fort.

Although it seems ancient, this fort still stands firmly today. Even its location on a hill, also makes it easier for this fort to carry out the monitoring process. Mainly to see the Banda and Neira area.

To enter the main door of the Belgica Fort, you must first climb the stairs. The location of the fort is on Tabaleku Hill with a height of 30 m. Every corner of the fort is built a tower that is used to monitor the movement of the enemy.

There are five sides of the fort wall whose function is as a defensive angle. As for the outer corner, it is made like a balcony and is known as a bastiong.

Along the wall there are 23 doors with arched windows. In addition, on the inside there are 23 rooms with different uses. Starting from the type of room for officers to the detention room.

Entering the top of the Belgica Fortress you will find cannon which is still left in place. This cannon is located towards Harbor. This is of course useful for repelling incoming enemies.

In addition, near the corner of the fort there are also stairs to climb the tower. But when riding it you have to be careful. Because the stairs are now rusty and must remain vigilant when climbing them.

Fort Belgica Banda Neira
Photo by Widya

Areas Around Fort Belgica 

Fort Belgica comes with a beautiful backdrop of the volcano in Banda Api. While in the east and north there are views of the surrounding community settlements.

For the southeastern part of the fort, there is also the exile house of Bung Hatta, which is located right next to the complex of Fort Belgica.

Fort Belgica itself was founded because of the correction of Fort Nassau which is located on the shoreline. The location is also very easy to reach when there is resistance from the Neira community.

Fort Belgica has an area of ​​2.707 meters. In ancient times this fort was famous for its unique nickname. That is Five-pointed Crown above the head of the Nassau family and protector of Banda. Present as the base of the Dutch military, this fort is also much respected.

Now the Belgica Fort from Banda Neira Maluku has become a tourist attraction. To visit it you have to cross the Ambon sea first. However, the ship to Banda Neira itself only operates twice a week.

See also:

So make sure your vacation schedule if you want to visit this fort. Hopefully useful and happy holidays.


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