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Lake Kelimutu Enchantment of Beauty and Other Unique Things

Flores Flores

The charm of the beauty of Lake Kelimutu Ende and other Unique and Interesting Things around Mount Kelimutu.

Tiwu or Lake Kelimutu is divided into three parts according to the colors of the lake water contained therein.

Lake Kelimutu is located in the province? Precisely Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Kelimutu volcano with a height of 5.377 feet towering in Pemo Village, Ende Regency has a mystery story that will be discussed in this article.

Kelimutu lake flores
Lake Kelimutu Ende

Lake Kelimutu Ende

Indonesia is a very wide archipelagic country. Indonesia consists of clusters of islands that have a variety of incomparably beautiful places. Mountains, hills, beaches, rivers, and seas are spread wide and beautiful by the grace of the Almighty.

One of the active volcanoes in Indonesia is located in Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara. This is Mount Kelimutu which is located right in Pemo Village, Kelimutu District, Ende Regency.

This mountain has a beautiful 3-colored lake with the name Kelimutu Lake.

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Mount Kelimutu

Kelimutu which has a height of 1.639 meters and its 3 beautiful lakes will make anyone who sees it will be fascinated. It is located exactly at latitude 8 degrees 77 south latitude and longitude 121 degrees 82 east longitude.

This mountain recorded its first eruption in 1830 by issuing black lava and a powerful eruption.

Also recorded in 1860 s / d 1870 erupted for the second time along with hot lava flows.

And the last time this mountain had a high intensity activity was in 1968.

This mountain is now getting a pretty good spotlight from tourists and the government. It has a wide "Ericaceous Forest" type forest and green scenery at an altitude of more than 1500 meters.

It's no wonder that nowadays many people want to travel on Lake Kelimutu which is located on the Peak of Mount Kelimutu.

History of Mount Kelimutu

The history of Mount Kelimutu itself is quite unique. Before the discovery of the 3-colored lake at its peak, this area was first discovered by a Dutch citizen named Lio Van Such Telen. This Dutch citizen discovered this mountain in 1915.

Kelimoetoe Flores volcano 1925
Kelimoetoe Flores Volcano 1925

He was amazed by the beauty of Mount Kelimutu so that at that time tourists from abroad began to arrive.

They come here to enjoy the beauty of Lake Kelimutu which was once known to be haunted by the people who live around the place.

Foreign tourists do not know the word haunted and they are actually very amazed by the beauty of Mount Kelimutu and want to research more about the beauty of the lake in it.

KelimutuFlores 1936
Kelimoetoe Flores Volcano 1936

Mount Kelimutu 1913

The Mount Kelimutu area has finally become a place Kelimutu Nature National Conservation. The designation of this place as a place of Nature Conservation since 1992, to be exact on February 26.

Flores Kelimutu National Park
National Parks

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3 Colored Lake and Its History

Kelimutu Lake which is located in the Kelimutu crater has very unique conditions. The reason is, this lake has 3 colors so it is called a three-color lake. The lake which has 3 colors makes every eye that looks at it amazed.

There are 3 colors, namely red, blue, and white and this color will always change over time. This is what makes this lake a mainstay tourist spot on the island of Flores.

Mount kelimutu at sunrise

Then what causes this Kelimutu lake to change without a definite time? Is it true that this color change myth is related to natural disasters and strange events? Or is it true that this lake holds a lot of mystery stories?

Let's travel, let's continue and dig deeper..

This lake has an area of ​​1.051.000 square meters with a volume of water in it of 1.296 million cubic meters. The height of the walls is between 50 meters to 150 meters.

The walls of the crater of Lake Kelimutu are quite steep. The slope also reaches 70 degrees. This lake not only has 3 unique colors, but the crater of the lake often changes color.

The scientists who came also investigated why the crater of Mount Kelimutu often changes color. Every scientist also has a different opinion about the color changes that occur in the lake.

Color Change Opinion

There are those who have the opinion that the color change occurs due to the eruption of Mount Kelimutu can change color anytime he wants, because it depends on three things, namely temperature, microbes and gases.

There are also those who argue that the color change occurs due to volcanic activity that erupts and produces gas continuously.

3 color lake

Another opinion says that the changes occur because of the refraction of light from the crater wall. Some experts also research about microorganisms that live in the crater of Lake Kelimutu so that it affects the color change.

Mount Kelimutu, which is now a member of the Kelimutu National Park, has a variety of beautiful birds.

Although the location and place are not big, Kelimutu has a charm of incomparable beauty so that you can say Kelimutu is a small chili pepper.

Mythology, Culture and Rituals of Pati Ka

The name "Kelimutu" for the language of the local community of Pemo village is taken from 2 syllables Keli and Mutu which have meanings;

  • Keli = Mountain 

  • Quality = Medidih 

Since ancient times, Indonesia is known to have a lot of traditions. There are various traditional ceremonies held in various regions.


One of the ritual ceremonies carried out on the shores of the lake is the ritual "Pati Ka” which means “Eat”. This ritual is for feeding kelimutu lake, that's what the local people say.

The Pati Ka procession begins with a traditional dance, namely: gawi dance in the field before the Kelimutu Peak Monument. In this procession, what is prepared is in the form of offerings, namely chicken and a pinch of betel nut which is dedicated to the spirits of the guardians of Kelimutu and ancestors.


This is a bit mystical. It is said that this folklore begins with a young couple of orphans who ask for protection from Ata bupu, a character who is respected for his compassionate nature. 

Due to their compassionate nature, Ata Bupu's request for the two orphans was granted but on one condition, namely that they must remain in his farm area.

This is because there is an evil witch who likes to prey on humans named Ata polo even though both Ata polo and Ata bupu are good friends.

Ana Kalo (an orphan) who asks for Ata Bupu's protection.

One day, Ata Polo came to visit Ata Bupu in his field. Arriving at Ata Bupu's field, Ata Polo smelled a human smell (the smell of prey).

Immediately Ata Polo entered the hut and looked for his prey. However, Ata Polo's evil intentions were immediately arrested by Ata Bupu while suggesting him to come back later after the children had grown up.

On the grounds that children's meat is certainly not delicious to eat.

The suggestion was accepted by Ata Polo and then left Ata Bupu who was confused about the best way to save the two human children.


When they start to grow up or become Ko'ofai (young girl) and Nuwa Muri (youth), they asked Ata bupu's permission to find a hiding place from Ata polo's intention to prey on them.

They finally managed to find a cave protected by rattan plants and banyan roots.

After the two teenagers found a cave to take refuge, Ata Polo was angry with Ata Bupu because he felt betrayed.

This anger turned into a fierce battle between the two, causing an earthquake and a large fire to reach the foot of Mount Kelimutu.

However, over time the old Ata Bupu's strength weakened, while the onslaught of Ata Polo's flames became more intense and more intense. Ata Bupu could only dodge Ata Polo's attacks.

When he felt that he could no longer match the power of Ata Polo, Ata Bupu decided to disappear into the bowels of the earth. As a result, Ata Polo became increasingly angry and mad. 

But fate finally determined that Ata Polo had to die on the ground as well as the two teenagers who were hiding also became victims.

The cave where Ko'ofai and Nuwa Muri were hiding collapsed in the earthquake and buried both of them alive.

Some time at the scene after Ata bupu disappeared into the bowels of the earth, a blue lake appeared. 

At the place where Ata Polo died, a blood-red lake was formed that was always turbulent. Meanwhile, in the hiding place of Ko'ofai and Nuwa Muri, a lake is formed with calm green water.

The three colored lakes, each by the local community are named according to the history of their formation.

The three colors of the lake have meanings:
  1. Blue lake or "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai” is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. It is the most extensive lake with an area of ​​about 5,5 hectares with a distinctive bluish green moss color when viewed from afar. 
  2. Red lake or "Tiwu Ata Polo” is a gathering place for the souls of people who have died and as long as they live they always do evil / sorcery. The area of ​​4 hectares makes it the smallest lake with a shallow depth of 64 meters. 
  3. While white lake or "Tiwu Ata Mbupu” is a gathering place for the souls of old people who have died with an area of ​​​​4,5 hectares of lake. 
lake 3 colors kelimutu

Until now the local people believe that whoever their family dies, the spirit will gather in these three lakes according to social behavior in their lives. 

Residents around the lake believe that when the lake changes color, the Pati Ka tradition must be carried out immediately by providing food offerings for the spirits of people who have died.

Geologically, Lake Kelimutu is indeed a mystical place. how not, the color changes that occur are unpredictable.

Believe it or not, it's all part of the local culture. Different tribes, different places, different cultures, different rich traditions that are in it.

Local culture

The charm of Lake Kelimutu Ende Flores tourism can not be separated from the local wisdom that is in it. One of the local wisdom of the people who live in the Wae Rebo area. Local people's houses were built using wood and straw. Usually, a resident's house consists of 5 floors.

The people of this area are known for their great hospitality. If you come, you will be treated to warm Flores coffee. Tourists can also see women weaving typical Flores cloth. Right on the hill which is near the village. You will be able to see a reading house that has a lot of reading books.

The beauty of Wae Rebo is incomparable. There are many interesting places in the Wae Rebo area near Kelimutu that you can use as a list to spend your holidays with friends and family.

Kelimutu 3 Color Lake Entrance Ticket Prices

The 3 color lake entrance ticket is very affordable.

  • Of course, for local or domestic visitors, a tourist attraction fee of Rp. 5.000 per person.
  • Foreign or overseas visitors are charged Rp. 150.000 per pax.
  • Parking fee is charged Rp. 5.000 for motorcycles and cars of Rp. 10.000.

The beautiful scenery with cheap entrance tickets is certainly an advantage for local tourists.

Tourism Around Mount Kelimutu

Mount Kelimutu is famous for its extraordinary natural beauty. There are many tourist attractions that you can visit and are in the same direction/programme.

Here are some of them:

  • Murundao Waterfall | Located in Koanara Village in Kelimutu District. Murundao waterfall with a height of ± 15 meters offers a beautiful natural charm. Its pristine natural location makes you feel at home to relax on the edge of this waterfall.
  • Ae Oka Detusoko Hot Springs | You can enjoy a warm bath or just dip your feet in the Ae Oka Detusoko Pool.
  • Kelimutu Lake | Is the best tour in Mount Kelimutu. You can see 3 colors emanating from this lake.
  • Teletubies Hill | You can take selfies on the vast and verdant Teletubies hill. You can find this hill when you visit Riung Kelimutu
  • Wologai Traditional Village | This village is located on Mount Kelimutu. This traditional village is very unique and has friendly residents. You can see a unique traditional house in this village

Mount Kelimutu is one of the best places in Flores. You can travel to various tourist attractions in Kelimutu.

Not only is Lake Kelimutu Flores beautiful, but the beaches are also stunningly blue.

Its excellent local wisdom is also commendable. At least, you have to maintain unity and integrity with a variety of traditional activities that vary between regions.

Before starting your tour abroad, let's first visit Lake Kelimutu in Flores.

Greetings tourism – Alfonso gottravela | Lake Kelimutu Ende Flores


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