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Wai Plati Hot Springs Larantuka Tourist Attraction

wai platinum oka hot water

Wai Plati Hot Springs is one of the leading tourist attractions in East Flores. Wai Plati is a natural hot spring tourist attraction which also contains mangrove forests. Apart from that, this hot spring bath also has a beach with beautiful views.

Photo by ona_75

Wai Plati is located in Mokantarak Village, Larantuka District. If you come here, you need to cover a distance of about 11 km from Larantuka. Or about 10-15 minutes drive.

You can Larantuka car rental in Gotravela with professional service.


Wai Plati is the name of a tourist attraction taken from the local language of Lamaholot. Wai means water, while plati means hot. So Wai Plati means hot water.

To get to the tourist sites, the road is not difficult. Because, this tourist destination is located right on the edge of the main highway.

How to Get to Wai Plati

It's not difficult to find Wai Plati hot springs. Because, the location is quite strategic which is on the edge of the highway.

If tourists from outside Flores want to come here, they can go through Gewayan Tanah Airport, Dewa Tiwatobi.

After that, you can use motorbike or car rental services to continue the journey. You will travel about 15-20 minutes.

After arriving at the location of the tourist attraction, to the right of the parking lot there is a stream of hot water. There are several ponds where there is a stone arrangement around the pond.

Many tourists who take a hot bath there. Some just soak their feet, and some take a bath.

People believe that hot springs can cure various diseases. Such as rheumatism, gout, and aches.

Some of the hot springs at Wai Plati flow into the mangroves that lead to the beach. This tourist attraction is located on the beach. So you can see a beautiful view of the beach.

If you bathe on the beach, the water will feel warm. That's because there is a stream of hot springs flowing through the mangrove forest then to the beach.

Many tourists visit the beach after being satisfied traveling at Wai Plati.

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Tourism around Plati Hot Springs

Not far from Wai Plati, there is a mangrove forest. Near this mangrove forest, a wooden bridge with a diameter of about 1,5 meters was built.

Then, there is also a building made of wood which is built to form a ladder. It is about 10 meters high. Then, at the top there is a wooden plank surrounded by a fence.

From this peak, tourists can see the beautiful view freely. There is Mount Ile Mandiri that looks dashing, the expanse of blue sea, and several enchanting hills. You don't have to worry about security. This building is quite strong.

The charm of Mount Ile Mandiri will be clearly visible from the top of this wooden building. The mountain seemed to stand tall like a fortress protecting Larantuka City.

In addition, you will also be presented with a stunning view of Waibalun Island with several clusters of hills around it.

Facilities at Tourist Attractions

The facilities at Wai Plati are quite adequate. You can find several toilets, changing rooms, food stalls, parking lots, lopos for rest, karaoke places, and vehicle child play.

If you want to stay overnight, there are no hotels or inns at Wai Platin tourist sites. However, there are several choices of lodging which are located not far from tourist attractions.

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Such as the Sunrise Hotel which is located in Weri Village, Lestari Hotel in Lokea Village, Geo Permai Lodging in East Sarotari Exit, and Gelatin Nara Lodging in Waihali.

Wow, it's really fun to vacation at Wai Pati hot springs. There are many things that tourists can enjoy in this tourist spot. Come on, when is your turn?


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