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Seeing the Magnificent Solo Batik Carnival

Solo Batik Carnival

Solo is a small city in Central Java, Solo Batik Carnival is one of the attractions of this city. Like Yogyakarta City, Solo City is also full of fashion tourism.

So if you are visiting the city of Solo, it won't be complete if you haven't seen the Solo Batik Carnival (annual batik festival in Surakarta).

Solo Batik Festival Surakarta
Photo by Scottman

Early History of Solo Batik Carnival 

For people who are native to the city of Surakarta, you must be familiar with the Solo Batik Carnival Festival, right? Solo Batik Carnival is an annual festival that displays various kinds of original Solo batik clothing design creations.

Of course, considering that the city of Solo is a city that makes the most unique batik. This festival takes place along Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. You can see rows of Carnival participants with their unique make-up and unique Batik clothing with various creative forms.

This festival is still classified as a new annual event. The Solo Batik Festival was originally held on April 13, 2008. This event originated from the idea of ​​the Surakarta Artists Association and the Surakarta Batik Artists Association.

The aim of this festival is to introduce the diversity of batik throughout the world. At the start of its implementation, the Minister of Trade, Mari Elka Pangestu, inaugurated this festival by raising a mountain.

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Fashion Carnival

The Solo Batik Carnival began with the playing of gamelan music and a parade of horsemen with Paskibraka and Carnival participants. For the first time, there were 52 participants in this Carnival parade from the Jember Fashion Carnival. Led by Dynand Fariz.

Photo by Travel Tempo

Solo participants numbered 247 people from various elements of society at that time. The participants use various kinds of materials, cardboard, glass, balloons and various other decorations and knick-knacks along Jalan Slamet Riyadi.

From its inception, this festival received positive feedback and feedback. Not only from the people of the city of Solo and its surroundings, but also from all cities in Indonesia. In fact, this festival has become one of the cultural tourism destinations in the city of Surakarta.

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Purpose of this Festival Held

Solo Batik Carnival is a Carnival event whose idea came from the Surakarta City Government and Solo artists. This carnival is a cross-community based carnival ethnic, age and profession which makes batik the main theme.

Batik is unlimited creativity that will never be finished at any time. Apart from that, batik also has a very long historical background in Indonesia both in terms of philosophy, motif design and also the people who support it.

This Solo Batik Carnival event has a good purpose. This event is an interpretation for the people of the city of Solo in responding to batik as one of the results of the creative work of the people of Surakarta. Creation, independence and creativity are one of the spirits of this big annual festival.

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Solo Batik Carnival is also a community-based carnival. All festival participants are Solo City residents wearing various types of batik clothes. This is the basic idea and spirit of the community which is in line with the Solo City motto "Solo Spirit of Java".

In other words, the aim of holding the Solo Batik Carnival event is to bring the people of Solo closer to the local wisdom that exists in this city. Apart from that, it also aims to foster a sense of love for batik clothing, especially genuine Solo batik.


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