To support Labuan Bajo to become a super priority destination in Indonesia, the government built the Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal.
Indeed, you can no longer doubt if the natural beauty of Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara is one of several priority tourist attractions in Indonesia. This terminal will also add to the attraction.
Building an Economic Center in Labuan Bajo
Did you know that in the future not only Bali, but Indonesia also has Labuan Bajo which is ready to become a favorite choice of local and foreign tourists. In the Tanah Naga Mori area, Komodo District, West Manggarai, this place will later be the location for the G-20 Summit.
In addition, there will also be the Asean Summit in 2023. Well, these two agendas are the biggest agendas in Southeast Asia and at the world level.
However, it is not only aimed at "entertaining" international guests, indeed Labuan Bajo is currently improving. Not only improving infrastructure in holiday destination areas, but Labuan Bajo also needs to improve so that it can boost the economy there.
In 2021, of course, the Regency Government of West Manggarai targets the poverty rate to fall to 16 percent. Yes, to boost the economy in the area, the Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal was built.
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Wae Mosquito Multifunction Terminal
There is a lot of work for the central government to do. Even to the local government in order to make Labuan Bajo a super priority destination choice. In order to support this, in July 2020 ago, it turned out that there was good news from the Ministry of Transportation.
Through the APBN, the Ministry of Transportation wants to disburse funds of up to IDR 172,8 billion for the revitalization of Harbor Labuan Bajo. Of course, these funds are very useful in the construction of the Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal, which is one of the economic centers in Labuan Bajo.
The Wae Kelambu Terminal will be the center of logistics activities, both to and from Labuan Bajo. In addition, this terminal will be designated as logistics traffic starting from loading and unloading containers, liquid bulk, and transportation cargo.
The Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal is also ready to become the center for loading and unloading of containers and cargo. Logistics activities will also shift to this terminal. Thus, the Labuan Bajo port is ready for revitalization. And specifically for Pelni passenger ships and tourist ships.
From the APBN funds, of course, the main scope of the revitalization of the Labuan Bajo Port to the construction of the Wae Kelambu Terminal will consist of reclamation work from stacking yards, docks, construction of causeway, construction work for land facilities, supports for bulk water pipes, and trestle.
Almost Completed, Terminal Ready to Operate
Of each of these plans, until the beginning of February 2021, revitalization to development that has been carried out has reached 86 percent. In fact, it's almost finished. The reclamation work which has an area of 3 hectares has also been completed as much as 96 percent.
This pier will later have a size of 120×20 m. For workmanship trestle which has been completed has a size of 60×12 m. And Causeway which is still under construction will have a length of 690 m.
The Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal, which has been an idea since 3 years ago, is hoped to be a real effort that can raise the standard of living of local residents. Especially from West Manggarai Regency.
Later on, various logistical needs can also facilitate the various needs of Labuan Bajo with various matters of tourist destinations. So that the Multipurpose Wae Kelambu terminal can be considered as a multifunctional terminal.
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So, that's the information regarding the construction of the Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal in Labuan Bajo. Hopefully it can increase the income of the local community. Happy holidays.