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Tourism Near Malioboro

travel near malioboro

The following list of tourist attractions near Malioboro can be your reference. Especially when you only have limited time at Yogyakarta City. Tourist attractions in Jogja are also no less cool, you know.

travel near malioboro
Photo by Noninisti

Yogyakarta is a city that has many charms of tourist attractions. It seems that there is no boredom going around Jogja. But if you only have 1 day in this city, here are the tourist attractions near Malioboro that you can visit.

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5 Tourist Attractions Near Malioboro

There are several tourist attractions in Jogja which are close to Malioboro. So you can go around even if you have limited time.

1. Fort Vredeburg Museum

The location of this museum is at the 0 km point of Jogja. This museum has existed since the Dutch colonial era. This place is a silent witness to the colonial period.

There are several dioramas that are evidence of the struggle of the Indonesian people. If you want to come here, the entry ticket price is Rp. 5.000 to Rp. 10.000. Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8am to 4pm.

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2. Yogyakarta Palace

Yogyakarta Palace is also one of the tourist attractions near Malioboro. If you come to Yogyakarta, it feels incomplete if you don't come on vacation here.

In this palace you can see there are many things belonging to the sultanate. Starting from gamelan replicas, replicas of palace heirlooms to items given by the King of Europe.

Keraton Tour is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 8 to 2 pm.

The price of admission to this place is Rp. 7.500 to Rp. 15.000.

The location is on Jalan Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panempahan, Kraton, Yogyakarta.

3. Taman Sari Water Palace

Taman Sari is also a recommended tourist spot near Malioboro. In the past, Taman Sari was a bathing place for the sultan, his wives, consorts and the king's sons and daughters.

Here, tourists can take pictures with beautiful building backgrounds. The water in Taman Sari is also clear and still well maintained.

Entrance ticket prices start from Rp. 10.000- Rp. 15.000. Open daily from 9 to 3 pm.
4. Smart Park

If you want to take your baby on a trip, Taman Pintar must enter the list. Smart Park is a place for educational tourism that is devoted to children and teenagers. Inside there are various choices of learning and play zones.

In addition there are also various choices of interesting rides. Such as box building, oval building, preschool building, planetarium, marine rides, craft village, playground, library zone, and science theatre.

Smart Park set the entrance ticket price of Rp. 12.000 – Rp. 20.000. Open from 8 to 4 pm daily.
5. Palace Train Museum

Tourist attractions near Malioboro that you can visit are the Keraton Train Museum. The Keraton Train Museum has several collections of horse-drawn carriages belonging to the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. This museum was built during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII.

Many think that this museum is a unique place. You can only find it in Yogyakarta.

The location is not far from the palace. Located on the southwest side of North Square. So after visiting the Palace, you can also visit this museum. You can add insight into history. The entry ticket is cheap. You just pay RP. 5.000 only. The museum is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Those are 5 tourist attractions in Jogja which are near Malioboro. You can enter these tourist attractions as your tourist destination when in Jogja. So even if you don't have much time, you can still enjoy a vacation in this city.

Hopefully it's useful.


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