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9 Tourist Attractions in Merauke Must Be the Best Recommendations

tourist attractions in Merauke

Tourist attractions in Merauke may not be very popular, but Travela must know their beauty, check the list below!

Visiting Raja Ampat is commonplace, what about Merauke? There are lots of interesting and exciting destinations that can be visited in Indonesia's easternmost metropolitan city.

Merauke is a district in Papua. Merauke may seem a lesser known tourist destination compared to Raja Ampat. Who would have thought that Merauke would have so many top tourist destinations? 

The easternmost area is surrounded by beautiful natural surroundings and amazing views. There is no risk in Visiting Merauke, as this site is little known and rarely seen. Come on, take a look at the tourist attractions in Merauke that Travelers must visit.

Tourist Attractions in Merauke 

1. Lotus Garden

Don't forget to visit Lotus Garden, one of the most popular tourist attractions in Merauke. Travela can appreciate the natural atmosphere that has been beautifully prepared.

There is a pond in the middle of the Lotus Garden. Gazebos surround it, giving visitors a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. You can explore Trekking paths in the forest just like that.

The cool natural atmosphere makes resting time here very enjoyable. If you are interested, just go straight to Muramsari District. No need to be afraid, because the facilities offered are very complete.

2. Onggiaya Beach

Travela, Onggaya Beach is another Merauke beach. This beach is amazing with its wide expanse of white sand. If you look closely, the sand looks a little reddish.

This beach facing the Arafuru Sea has big waves. To survive the onslaught of waves, mangrove trees grow abundantly along the coastline.

The beauty of Onggaya Beach is most exciting to enjoy in the afternoon. That's when the beauty of the sunset will appear before your eyes, welcoming tourists who come to visit.

This tourist attraction in Merauke, Travela can take a culinary tour. The dining experience will be even more memorable, because the menu is delicious and delicious.

Grilled fish is a popular menu at beach restaurants. Enjoy the taste, especially if Travela includes local special spices before processing.

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3. Musamus Termite House 

In the original language, Musamus is translated as "termite house". In Merauke, termite houses are a popular tourist attraction in Merauke. Want to know what Makes It Special?

Musamus termite house in Merauke
Musamus Termite House (Source: Staticflickr)

These termites make nests on the ground that can reach a height of 5 meters. At first glance it looks like a temple with a sturdy base and a cone-shaped peak.

These termite structures have the unique ability to survive for decades. Components include quartz sand, clay, and silt. Termites use their saliva and feces to hold each part together.

Termites usually build their homes during the rainy season. So, if you want to see this natural phenomenon, go to Kurik District in Merauke.

4. Libra Monument

Travela, Tugu Libra or known as Lingkar Brawijaya is one of the tourist attractions in Merauke that must be visited. This monument was built in 2012 and inaugurated a year later.

This monument is strategically located at the intersection of Jl. Brawijaya, Jl. Para Command, and Jl. TMP Trikora. This monument is around 18 meters high, with various ornaments on the sides which have symbolic meaning.

This decoration enhances the uniqueness of the Libra Monument. If you look at the monument at night, Travela might see the number 1902. This number represents the year when the people of Merauke started interacting with foreigners.

Another decoration is a small globe that is perched on top of the monument. This shows that Merauke is ready to become a global city. The phrase “Izakod Bekai Izakod Kai” (“one heart, one goal”) appears at the bottom.

4. One Lamp Beach 

Travla, Lampu Satu Beach is a beach tourist area located about 3 kilometers from the city center. A lookout post along the coast directs ships sailing at night.

Lampu One Beach, Merauke
One Lamp Beach (Source: Staticflickr)

Because the beach is sloping and the waves are not too big, Travela can play or relax here. The beach sand is unique because it is mixed with mud, the color of the water is also brown. There are no rocks on the beach.

At this tourist spot in Merauke, Travela can enjoy the beauty of the sky and atmosphere in the afternoon, when the sun sets. Apart from that, the dark and dense trees keep the atmosphere fresh even in the heat.

5. Wasur National Park

Wasur National Park, which is located near Rawa Biru Lake, is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Merauke. 

When visiting Wasur National Park, bring a camera and start hunting for photos. Apart from that, this national park is protected by a number of mangrove plants.

Not only is the vegetation attractive, Wasur National Park has a variety of flora and fauna, including the king of Heaven, Cassowary, and Kangaroos, as well as several potentially deadly species such as freshwater crocodile

To appreciate the beauty of Wasur National Park, you have to pay an entrance fee of IDR 20.000.

6. Rawa Biru Lake

Travela, Rawa Biru Lake is a tourist attraction that functions as a water source in Merauke. The location is in the Wasur National Park area, approximately two hours from downtown Merauke.

The journey to Rawa Biru Lake is no less enjoyable. You will see a row of trees along the road. Birdsong can often be heard.

The calm atmosphere around the lake is very suitable for holiday moments. You can unwind while enjoying the atmosphere with friends, family or your partner. The air is cool, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

7. Time Capsule Monument 

Another tourist attraction in Merauke is the Time Capsule Monument, which was only opened in 2015. This building is distinctive because it resembles the Avengers Headquarters.

The attraction of this monument comes from its futuristic architecture. This monument in the shape of the letter "A" has an area of ​​2,5 hectares. Surrounded by stunning gardens.

The facilities that can be accessed at this tourist location are quite extensive. It is very easy to access. You can relax and appreciate the beauty of the park while hunting for photos.

8. Habe Island 

Travela, this small island can be accessed by speed boat which takes around 30 minutes. This island is often called Rio de Janeiro, because of the large statue of Jesus.

Apart from these landmarks, Habe Island is very interesting because of its natural beauty. Pula Habe offers clean beaches and pure sea water, ensuring a pleasant stay.

According to public belief, Habe Island was once part of Papua. However, due to a previous disaster, this island was split and became its own island. Isn't this unique?

Let's read other interesting information:

9. Payum Beach 

Travela, Payum Beach is one of Merauke's tourist attractions and is still close to Lampu Satu Beach. When the sea water recedes, the sloping coastline will appear quite wide.

Around the beach there are rows of fishermen's houses. You may come across fishermen returning from fishing and buying fresh fish.

That's it, the tourist attractions in Merauke that Travela must visit. Despite its remote location at the eastern tip of Indonesia, Travela will not regret visiting this city at least once in its life. How about Travela, when do you want to go to the tourist attractions in Merauke above? Write it down first Bucket List!


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