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Hidden Gems for Jakarta Tourism 5 Recommendations Full of Charm!

Jakarta's hidden tourist gem

Looking for a Hidden Gem for Jakarta tourism? Travela can go to historical, cultural sites, city parks, check out the details below!

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and is the largest city in this country. Located on the northwest coast of Java Island, Jakarta is a political, economic, cultural and educational center. This city is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world.

Jakarta has a very large population, with various ethnicities, cultures and religions that reflect its overall diversity. This city is famous for its heavy traffic, modern shopping centers, and the most vibrant nightlife.

As the economic center of Indonesia, Jakarta has various industries such as finance, trade, manufacturing and services. Apart from that, this city has many tourist destinations, including historical, cultural sites, city parks and entertainment venues.

In Jakarta, there are many places that are often referred to as "hidden gems" or places that may not be very famous but must be visited. Yep, here it is, Jakarta's hidden tourist gem that you must enter bucket list-your!

Hidden Gem Tourism Jakarta

1. Suropati Park

Located in the Menteng area, Taman Suropati is a small park that is quiet and pleasant. Perfect for Relaxing or just Taking a Walk. This hidden tourist gem in Jakarta is one of the oldest city parks in Jakarta, founded in the early 19th century during the Dutch Colonial era.

Suropati Park Jakarta

Taman Suropati was originally known as Burgemeester Bisschopplein (Regent's Square), then changed its name to Taman Suropati, in honor of Prince Suprapto or commonly called Ki Suropati, a Javanese National Hero.

Suropati Park offers a green and calm atmosphere in the middle of the busy city of Jakarta. Inside there are lots of shady trees, children's play areas, and comfortable sitting areas for relaxing.

This park is often used as a venue for various cultural events, such as art exhibitions, music concerts, theater performances, and so on. Apart from being a recreation area for local residents, Suropati Park is also a favorite place for painters, street artists and photographers to express their creativity.

Because of this, Travela friends may see paintings on canvas or other works of art around this park. Taman Suropati is a suitable place to spend time relaxing, doing light exercise, or just enjoying the fresh air amidst the hustle and bustle of Jakarta.

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2. Bogor Botanical Gardens

Even though it is not part of Jakarta, the Bogor Botanical Gardens offers an interesting experience for walking around and enjoying the natural beauty and diverse plant collections.

Bogor Botanical Garden

The Bogor Botanical Gardens can be reached by a short journey from Jakarta, and are a popular place for nature and botany enthusiasts. Bogor Botanical Gardens is one of the largest and oldest botanical gardens in Indonesia.

Located in Bogor, West Java, this hidden tourist gem in Jakarta has an area of ​​around 87 hectares and is one of the favorite destinations in West Java. The Bogor Botanical Gardens was founded in 1817 by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, with the aim of being a botanical research garden.

This garden has a very rich and varied plant collection, including rare and endemic species. Currently, the Bogor Botanical Gardens plant collection reaches more than 15.000 specimens, including tropical, subtropical and endemic Indonesian plants.

Apart from being a research site, the Bogor Botanical Gardens are a popular tourist destination for visitors from within and outside the country. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature, walk around the green gardens, and see various interesting plant collections.

In the garden there are various facilities such as a museum, greenhouse and paths that make it easier for visitors to explore the garden.

One of the famous attractions in the Bogor Botanical Gardens is the "Wind Palace", a unique structure in the shape of a giant windmill. Visitors can climb to the top of the Wind Palace to enjoy views of the botanical gardens and surrounding areas from above.

Bogor Botanical Gardens is Jakarta's hidden tourist gem which is suitable for nature lovers, botany and tourists who are looking for a fun recreation spot in the middle of Bogor city.

3. Puppet Museum

Located on Jalan Pintu Besar Utara, the Wayang Museum is an interesting place to explore Indonesian culture. This museum displays a collection of traditional wayang from all over the archipelago and holds wayang performances on several occasions.

Travela, the Wayang Museum is a museum located in Jakarta, precisely on Jalan Pintu Besar Utara Number 27, Kota Tua Jakarta. This museum is dedicated to exhibiting a collection of wayang, a popular Indonesian traditional performing art.

Wayang is one of the most distinctive performing arts in Indonesia, with various types of wayang originating from various regions in Indonesia, such as wayang kulit, wayang golek, and wayang orang.

The Wayang Museum displays various kinds of wayang from all over the archipelago, including costumes, masks and traditional musical instruments used in performances.

Apart from the wayang collection, this museum displays various artifacts related to other traditional Indonesian performing arts, such as masks, costumes and musical instruments.

Visitors can learn about the history and development of wayang art in Indonesia through informative and educational exhibitions. The Wayang Museum is often a place to hold various cultural events, such as wayang performances, art exhibitions, workshops and seminars on traditional performing arts.

With its strategic location in the Old City of Jakarta, this museum is an important part of efforts to preserve and promote Indonesia's cultural heritage.

For fans of Indonesian art and culture, the Wayang Museum is a place that must be visited when in Jakarta. Apart from offering an informative experience, this Jakarta tourist hidden gem provides in-depth insight into one of the most valuable performing arts in Indonesia.

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4. Santa Market

Travela, this market has gained quite a lot of popularity among local tourists, but is still relatively little known to foreign countries. Santa's Market offers a variety of delicious food, unique items, and a lively and energetic atmosphere.

Pasar Santa, also known as Modern Market, is a culinary center located in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta. Originally a traditional market that has been around for a long time.

Santa Market then underwent a transformation into a more modern and trendy place. This hidden tourist gem in Jakarta is known for its unique atmosphere, wide choice of food and local creative products.

In this market, Travela will find various shops, stands and stalls selling food, drinks, antiques, clothing, accessories, books and various unique products.

One of the main attractions of Santa Market is the variety of culinary delights on offer. Travela can find various types of food, from local Indonesian to international menus, such as Gourmet Burgers, Sushi, Special Coffee, Ice Cream, and many more.

This place is a place for MSMEs to showcase their creative products. In addition, Santa Market often holds arts and cultural events, such as music performances, art exhibitions and creative workshops.

This makes Pasar Santa not only a place for shopping and culinary delights, but also a center for cultural activities in South Jakarta. Santa Market is a popular destination for visitors who want to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, delicious food and shop for unique products.

This hidden gem of Jakarta tourism is an example of how traditional markets can be transformed into modern and attractive places for visitors from various circles.

So, that's the information about Jakarta's hidden tourist gems that Travela must include bucket listCome on, let's schedule a visit there this weekend!


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